Please read the Forum Rules. See link above and to the right.
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Announcements 171 topicsPlease use this forum to announce items of general interest, not for general discussions.
New Climbers--Introduce Yourself! 141 topicsPeople who are new to the TCI Forums: Please introduce yourself here!
General Discussions 549 topicsYou can post topics here about anything related to tree climbing.
International 34 topicsIssues about tree climbing specific to places outside the U.S.
In the News 137 topicsTree climbing makes news on TV, radio, magazines, or newspapers
Tree Climbing Technique 243 topicsThis forum is for discussing tree climbing technique only.
Gear 481 topicsAll about tree climbing gear.
Climbing Standards and Ethics 28 topics |
Climb Reports / Sharing 277 topicsTell us about your tree climbing experiences.
Tree Climbing Clubs 6 topicsUse this thread to talk about your club, publicize climbing events, and to help others organize their own tree climbing club!
Climbing Different Species of Trees 24 topicsWhat is it like to climb specific species of trees? Please start new threads with the Latin name of the species followed by its common name.
Canopy Researchers 19 topicsA place for Canopy Scientists to converse
Professional Tree Work 61 topicsA place for hard working tree climbers to converse
Jobs for Tree Climbers 36 topicsUse this thread to post employment opportunities for tree climbers.
Acknowledgements and what can be learned by someone's misfortune
Not About Trees 41 topics |
Tree Climbing Vocabulary 8 topicsReflections on the words we tree climbers use.
Finding Climbing Areas and Partners 220 topicsPost here if you are looking for or have a good tree to climb or are seeking climbing partners
TCI Website Questions/Ideas 32 topicsPlease use this thread to ask questions about any of our features and to share your ideas about improvements.