Hello! I found this awesome website, and I think you guys might have the expertise to solve my problem.
I need to climb a tree, and then somehow hook myself to it, in order to hunt whitetail deer.
I love the idea of climbing trees, and it would be an extremly fun off season sport!
So, my question is, what do I need to get started?
From my limited research, it looks like I need a rope, a harness, some caribineer clips, and ascenders, and some sort of way to rapell down.
But, I also need a comfortable way to hang there with my bow for hours.
Something like this, is very comfortable
Cabelas Tree Sling
But very single purposed, and I would like to get into tree climbing as a sport.
So I was thinking maybe this?
Petzl Canyon Harness
so basically, I want to go up to a tree, throw a line over it with a beanbag or my bow or whatever, pull it down, and ascend up the tree, then somehow hang myself off the tree, and then decend.
Do you guys have any input as to where I could look for info, what I need to buy, etc?
You are the experts and I.... have only been contemplating this since yesterday