For years, my first and only Fig 8 was a red Kong aluminum mini 8 with no "ears".
After 4 years, this thing is like a badge of service for me because it's worn down so severely, with rope grooves so deep, that the certified arborist who owns the shop where I buy a lot of my gear in West Chester PA told me "Bag that thing - I wouldn't climb on it anymore. That's your life."
So because he didn't have the same one in stock, I got a black one, a little bigger, this time with ears. (Hook-like bends on either side of the big opening)
Now I would never go back. The ears allow me to do a "double stuff" soft lock that holds perfectly. Meaning, you soft lock it once, then you just go round again and soft lock on top of the first one. The ears catch the line as you weave it thru and it holds fast. I may never have to do a full hardlock again.
Get hitched!