climbers near Washington DC?

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21 years 3 months ago - 21 years 3 months ago #123224 by trijntje
climbers near Washington DC? was created by trijntje
I'm interested in finding a group/people around Washington DC who climb trees. I'm not a climber yet, but would like to find out more about it...

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21 years 3 months ago - 21 years 3 months ago #123225 by nickfromwi
Replied by nickfromwi on topic climbers near Washington DC?
It sounds like there is a lot of interest in Baltimore, which isn't too far. I go to Baltimore often. We could get together next spring!


Would you like a lanyard spliced up, or anything else for that matter??? Give me a call- 323-384-7770 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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21 years 3 months ago - 21 years 3 months ago #123229 by josh123
Replied by josh123 on topic climbers near Washington DC?
I live in Annapolis and have been climbing for about a year and a half. I'm currently working on gaining access to a large tract of land with some big trees that my firend's family owns. Hopefully if it goes through, I can get some local climbers over there to explore and climb it with me.

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21 years 3 days ago - 21 years 3 days ago #123414 by eadee12
Replied by eadee12 on topic climbers near Washington DC?
I live in Warrenton and work in Fall Church area. I am just starting out. Ordered equipment from New Tribe and trying to find a school/instuctor near Virginia. For now I am going to start low and slow. If I can't find an instructor I am probably going to be Georgia bound in the fall.

It would be great to start a grove in Northern VA, it looks like we may be the first!!

Is anyone interested?

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21 years 2 days ago - 21 years 2 days ago #123415 by jimw
Replied by jimw on topic climbers near Washington DC?
Hello ead_ee (and all)--

I live and work in Falls Church and am also just starting--also interested in the "low and slow" approach for now.

There certainly should be enough of us beginners in the area that we don't have to go to Georgia!

Why don't you give me a call during the day (571-226-1949) and let's compare notes.




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20 years 11 months ago - 20 years 11 months ago #123448 by josh123
Replied by josh123 on topic Annapolis Climber
Hey guys. I have been climbing since June 2002, after learning the ropes from Abe, Joe, and Tim down in Peachtree City, Georgia. Do you guys have some good trees to climb? If so we should set up a time to meet over your way to get off the ground. I highly suggest taking the class from those guys in GA, and learning the sport the right way from the start.

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20 years 11 months ago - 20 years 11 months ago #123452 by jimw
Replied by jimw on topic Climbing in the DC area
First, hello to Jay (kernsloth).

This is going to sound like a setup, but . . . .

I visited Jay's store a few weeks ago and was VERY favorably impressed! Great displays of virtually any equipment you'd want, and very good prices. Jay was very knowledgeable and helpful. It almost assuredly would be worth your time to visit there.

I received my New Tribe shipment today--including their basic saddle with side D-rings, at the "Door Number One" price of $80! What a deal! I also got several other items and now have all the equipment I need to climb.

Next comes being tutored by someone knowledgeable, and I'm hoping Jay and I can work out something soon.

Maybe some of the rest of you in the DC area could join us?

Guys and gals, I'm really looking forward to this!

Finally, I'm looking for input as to what you carry with you while you're climbing, and how you carry it. I will start a new thread for this; please check it out under "Gear."




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20 years 11 months ago - 20 years 11 months ago #123456 by wildbill
Replied by wildbill on topic climbers near Washington DC?
Those of us down here in the Atlanta/north Georgia area who are instructors know that sometimes it isn't easy to come to us for quality classes in basic and advanced treeclimbing. But we also know that we can't always come to your area of the country for four or five days (thanks to things like mean ol' bosses who won't give us that much time off from regular jobs, etc.).
I'd like to offer a suggestion -- if several of you prospective climbers want to get together for a few days at a place where there's a decent, clean tree we can legally use, then I'm sure one or more of the instructors down here would be glad to work out a deal to teach a course up there in the Virginia/D.C. area. I can't speak for other instructors on the money issue, but I personally would be willing to give a "volume discount" if there are four or more students.

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20 years 11 months ago - 20 years 11 months ago #123461 by eadee12
Replied by eadee12 on topic Got my gear!!
After a hard, long day of work yesterday I came home to find my shipment from New Tribe waiting at the door. Practicing the knots on a real rope makes a big difference.

I am ready to go.

Jim W., Sorry for not calling yet, work has been killer been pulling long days. Will try calling tonight.

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20 years 11 months ago - 20 years 11 months ago #123574 by jimw
Hello, Wild Bill--

Apologies for the delay in replying.

You said, ". . . sometimes it isn't easy to come to us for quality classes in basic and advanced treeclimbing." How true! Then you commented that it may be possible to have a qualified instructor come here.

I don't know if we could get a group together to sponsor such an event, but I'll do some checking around. I know three other climbers (including kernsloth and ead_ee) here in the general area, two of whom do have a few years' experience. There obviously are others up here also.

Your idea is certainly worth exploring. I am convinced that, regardless of what I learn from other competent climbers, I will not be satisfied until I do a recognized and "accredited" course. Even if all I learn from the course is that I already knew what you teach, that experience will bring much peace of mind.

After all, this is not like finding out if you already know enough math or history to pass a class: our lives are at stake here.

I'll be in touch via U2U to discuss this.

Other DC-area climbers: care to chime in?



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20 years 11 months ago - 20 years 11 months ago #123576 by josh123
Replied by josh123 on topic Climbing in DC
I've posted here many times regarding finding other climbers in the area. I live in Annapolis and have been climbing for about two years now. The only problem I've been having is finding legal places to climb where I won't get hassled or have to spend the whole time looking over my shoulder. Not an easy task. Do you guys have trees to climb? I'd make the trip over to the DC area to climb with you if you did.

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20 years 10 months ago - 20 years 10 months ago #123612 by jimw
Replied by jimw on topic Hello, Josh
Hi, Josh.

Yes, I've seen your posts and have been meaning to contact you directly.

I have made contact with three others in this general area and would like for us all to keep in touch with each other. I'll send you a "U2U" message and see where we go from here.

We need 50 active people, a school, and some first-class places to climb here! Oh, well, I can dream.

Will you be at the tree-climbing championship at Truxton Park this weekend?



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20 years 10 months ago - 20 years 10 months ago #123652 by josh123
Replied by josh123 on topic Hey Jim
Yep, I went to Truxton Park on Saturday to watch the MAC ISA climbing championships. Stayed for about an hour. It's amazing how fearless and fluid those guys are. I went back on Sunday to climb some of the very same trees that they climbed on Saturday. Unfortunately, those trees are located in the busiest part of the park, right next to the boat ramp and a pavillion. Too many people around to consider a climb. Too bad, since I haven't climbed since last September.

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20 years 10 months ago - 20 years 10 months ago #123668 by jimw
Replied by jimw on topic climbers near Washington DC?
Hey, Josh--

Sorry I missed you at Truxton. I was there all day (8- to 6). There was so much super talent and friendly people! What a treat!

Yes, most of those trees are too close to the foot traffic for me, but the one they used for the throw bag competition (back up the hill near a pavillion) might be okay.

I've added an e-mail link, so click on the box and send me one if you want. Maybe those of us in the area can begin to exchange some ideas and arrange some climbs.



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