Classes for Recreational Climbers

Tree climbing is an adventure. It starts with placing a rope high in a tree and tying a series of knots. Then you're ready to climb. But your journey is just beginning! When you get to your first branch, it's time to place your rope over a higher branch. You can go to the top or as high as you like! Climbing requires skill, patience, energy, and a certain amount of courage. But the fun and rewards of your accomplishments will be well worth your efforts.

  • Basic Tree Climbing Course

    2-day onsite class
    Basic skills with
    Moving Rope System
    (MRS, formerly DRT)

  • "At Home" BTCC

    Learn to climb
    safely on your own
    with our DVD and
    online manual

  • The Wild TreesI discovered tree climbing through Tree Climbers International. Without TCI and the excellent training they gave me, both basic and advanced, I never would have gone on to climb any trees, much less redwoods—or gone on to write about these experiences. 

    Peter Jenkins is one of the principal inventors and developers of recreational tree climbing as it’s now practiced worldwide. One thing that impressed me from day one is Peter and his colleagues’ relentless, meticulous, uncompromising focus on safety. That’s one of the great benefits of TCI training. It’s not just that they show you magical ways to ascend into a world of wonder in forest canopies, but how to do it safely and with physical confidence. And, if you stay with it, you can learn how to take others up safely. 

    It’s amazing how many people seem to experience a revelation of both body and mind when I take them climbing in a big, complicated tree. If you walk on a forest floor, you’re only seeing part of the forest; most of the forest exists in three-dimensional space overhead. There is a way to explore the hidden vaults of these green cathedrals, and through TCI you can learn how.

    Richard Preston, best-selling author of "The Wild Trees"

Recreational tree climbing is an activity that immediately brings every climber "back to nature." Once you're hooked onto a rope with a saddle around your waist and a helmet on your head, the world slows down. You begin to relax as you go aloft, and lo and behold, you're feeling like a new person! Suddenly you might be seeing your climbing tree with different eyes, and you'll never look at a tree the same way again. You might be smelling the fragrance of a recent summer rain, or hearing the wake-up calls of birds looking for mates or protecting their young. No matter how "old" you are, you'll find that tree climbing is a safe and unusual way to spend an afternoon!

Whatever the reason or the season, we look forward to seeing you in the canopy of a beautiful climbing tree!

For the inexperienced person who wants to be able to climb safely on his or her own, TCI's two-day "Basic Tree Climbing Course" (BTCC) is for you. This course is available on-site in Atlanta (call us!) or you can do it at home via our "At Home" (online) course, which includes our DVD (streaming or hard copy) and online manual.

Each of our courses is described in detail. Click on a link to learn more!

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