Safety Gear

Safety Gear

First Aid Kit

A first aid kitsmall first aid kit attached to your saddle is an important part of every climber's gear. However, the items to include in it are different, depending upon the type of climber you are. Here are our suggestions for what each type of first aid kit should include.

> For recreational climbers:

  • Band-aids (various sizes)
  • Anti-bacterial ointment
  • A Kotex pad can be used to bandage serious cuts
  • Tweezers for splinters or tick removal
  • A whistle
  • Dental floss (150 feet) can be used to retrieve a dropped rope if there is someone on the ground to attach it (as you would a throw line).
  • Alcohol wipes to disinfect wounds, or to clean areas where you have touched poison ivy. If you clean the area of contact within eight minutes, you should be able to prevent a skin reaction.
  • Any climber who uses an inhalant for asthma or an “epi-pen” for severe insect bite allergies must carry their medication with them into the treetops on every climb.
  • Any other items which are unique to your medical situation.

> For professional climbers:

  • Band-aids (various sizes)
  • Anti-bacterial ointment
  • A Kotex pad can be used to bandage serious cuts
  • Tourniquet
  • Tweezers for splinters or tick removal
  • A whistle
  • Dental floss (150 feet) can be used to retrieve a dropped rope if there is someone on the ground to attach it (as you would a throw line).
  • Alcohol wipes to disinfect wounds, or to clean areas where you have touched poison ivy. If you clean the area of contact within eight minutes, you should be able to prevent a skin reaction.
  • Any climber who uses an inhalant for asthma or an “epi-pen” for severe insect bite allergies must carry their medication with them into the treetops on every climb.
  • Any other items which are unique to your medical situation.

Safety Glasses

Protect your eyes! There are all kinds of things in trees that can give you a problem if you’re not using eye protection. The most common are twigs that can poke you in the eye. Small particles like bark fragments and lichen can fall into your eyes, too. A particle as small as a pinhead can cause a huge gush of tears or broken blood vesssel with accompanying pain.

TCI recommends that climbers wear safety glasses for eye protection. Industrial plastic safety glasses are inexpensive and can be found at any hardware or arborist supply store. Sunglasses are not acceptable, as they are often quite expensive and are not made for eye protection. Don’t forget to get a cord for the glasses. That way you can take the glasses off and hang them off your neck to get a cool photo or wipe sweat out of your eyes.

Full Moon Safety GlassesFull Moon safety glasses


Inexpensive latex-coated gloves like gardening gloves have a tacky surface that enhances rope grip. Sturdier non-slip gloves, like those used by carpenters, are also available. Leather gloves are acceptable for descending but are useless for ascending because their slick surface doesn’t allow for a firm grip of the rope. Wearing gloves with the fingertips cut off makes it easier to handle gear such as carabiners.

Atlas glovesAtlas gloves

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